Sunday, 11 March 2012

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 is out now!

Chapter 13
Chapter 13 (no ad)

Also, since some people didn't get the last threat from chapter 12 "since I can't see.. I'll make sure there is nothing to see here." It just means that he'll beat the crap out of those suit guys, make them run away, and henceforth nothing to see.

Note: If you got 5 seconds to spare, please use the link with ad as it gives us a small amount of money.


  1. You're the best and fastest ever! ^_^ Great job!

    1. Thx!
      I just happen to have lots of free time on my hands lol.

  2. Thank you very much! I love this manhwa, and this chapter it was so good and funny (I love it especially the part where the new character was begining to remember to Sori and was interrupted in several times), I love you guys, thanks for the fastest traduction.

    P.S. sorry my bad english

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sweet awesomeness, thank you. Gotta love them Cane-stunts!!

    New appreciation for NastyCat's awesomeness; thanks for getting it across =]

  5. Thanks a ton, your work is rrreeeally much appreciated!
